Published February 2, 2018
Loosely based on based on Plot included in Prince Evstáfi in Russian Folk-Tales. With introduction and notes by Leonard A. Magnus. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1916. The Tsar values riches and everything royal in his kingdom. His son values being with the commoners and puts relationships above riches. The son disobeys his father's orders and is sent to the gallows. Read this story and see what changes the father's values and helps him accept his son.
View story »Published February 2, 2018
A run away soldier does not know the man whose life he saves is the Tsar. Read how one good turn deserves another and how someone's life can turn from bad to good by helping another. Adapted from Afanas'ev, A. N. Russian Folk-Tales. With notes by Leonard A. Magnus. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1916.
View story »Published January 28, 2018
Adapted from a Norse Folktale = Wee (small) Robin is on his way to see the King and sing him a Christmas song. He avoids attempts by Cat, Hawk and Fox to make him their dinner. Robin sings to the King and Queen and is rewarded with an introduction to his future wife.
View story »Published January 8, 2018
Tortoise uses a trick to make elephant believe tortoise can jump over the elephants head in order to stop the elephant from teasing him.
View story »Published January 8, 2018
Nasreddin was a teacher, a judge and a priest in ancient Persia. He was a beloved character who lived a simple life. The Mullah always followed his religious beliefs and gave simple but sometimes unusual solutions to help his neighbors solve their problems. This is a humorous tale of how he tried to save his donkey from carrying a heavy load.
View story »Published January 7, 2018
Age old story of an archer with perfect aim is woven into a pastor's sermons.
View story »Published January 6, 2018
A Hunter is tricked by lion into sharing part of every catch with the lion. But the bargain is disputed when the hunter's wife becomes the catch and gets caught in one of his traps. Will the husband be forced to let the lion eat the hunter's wife?
View story »Published December 1, 2017
Adapted from one of Aesop's fables - Be careful of flattery. The one who flatters may want something and use false words to get it.
View story »Published August 15, 2017
Lesser Known Brazilian Folktale - Little Crab is able to pop out its eyes and send them sailing across the beach and into the water. Crab can see beautiful things under the water. The game is fun until Jaguar wants to play. The story tells why crabs always walk sideways and why giant cats leave part of their hunt for the birds of the air.
View story »Published June 8, 2017
Mousedeer is a small animal found in southeast Asia. It is a small, plant eating animal that is favorite food of larger animals. Stories are told in many countries about how Mousedeer is clever and how it outsmarts the larger animals who hunt it for food. This story tells how mousedeer fools the crocodiles into helping mousedeer cross the river where it can find a favorite food.
View story »Published March 1, 2017
Armadillo loves music and wants to play and sing with the other animals. The animals do not believe armadillo can be musical and do not give him a chance. A musician offers to help armadillo make music - but only when he dies. The musician makes a beautiful sounding instrument from the shell of the armadillo and makes beautiful music for the world to hear. Sometimes we are only appreciated the most once we are gone, and through others we live on.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
No one wants to be elephant's friend due to his large size. After elephant's size helps him save the other animals, they suddenly decide that his size is no monger a barrier to friendship. This is a nice story for encouraging students to be accepting of others.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Fast growing gourd vine grows very quickly and brags to others about growing so fast. It does not sent down good roots, however and dies when winter comes. This is a good story for teaching about the importance of building a firm foundation for a variety of things in life.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Adapted from a 1906 story created for kindergarten students. An angel asks flowers where they want to grow and why. Their answers are nice, but self-serving. The dandelion wants to live near children to make them happy. The answer causes the dandelion to be granted a longer life and to grow almost everywhere that children play.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
The Tug of War is an easy to understand and easy to tell story that is perfect for young and old alike. It is a good beginning story for new tellers. It can be acted out. Dr. Lockett tells the tale as an anti-bullying story.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
This is a delightful tale from Finland that resembles stories told in other countries. A wanderer (a wizard) looks for a place to stay the night on a cold winter eve and is harshly turned away by an old wealthy woman. The same man is taken in and shown kindness by s single mother (widow) who really cannot afford to give anything away. In a comedic way - the poor widow is rewarded - and the wealthy woman is given a less desirable reward for being unkind.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Nasruddin was born in Azerbaijan in Western Iran, near Turkey. He became a religious leader and was reported to be among the wisest of men. Stories of both wisdom and foolishness are told about the Mullah all throughout the area often referred to as the middle east. The stories are usually short and often make the readers or listeners think carefully before they laugh at the humor in the tales.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Short story about how why opossum's tale is bare.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story behind the Christian Hymn - Precious Lord. Dr. Lockett freely gives permission for his adaptation of the story to be used for programs in churches and at events where religious hymns are appropriate. Please be considerate and give credit if you use Dr. Lockett's story.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Adapted from the Old Testament about Joshua sending spied into Jericho before invading the city.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story behind the hymn When the Roll is Called Up Yonder by James Black. Permission is freely given by Dr. Lockett to use this story in churches and at programs where the singing of hymns is appropriate. Dr. Lockett respectfully requests that he be cited as the creator of this adaptation of the story if you use it.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story developed by Dr. Lockett for business presentations.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story developed by Dr. Mike Lockett for use in presentations to businesses. This story deals with principles of business.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story used in presentations to businesses by Dr. Mike Lockett on the topic of persistence.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story developed by Dr. Mike Lockett for use in presentations for businesses on the topic of Seeking to Understand.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story developed by Dr. Mike Lockett on the topic of synergy for use in presentations to businesses.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story developed by Dr. Mike Lockett for presentations on win-win strategies for use in business presentations.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story behind the hymn Do You Hear What I Hear by Noel Regnwy
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Story from unknown author about trees preparing for Christmas.
View story »Published February 24, 2017

Another of Dr. Lockett's stories behind the hymns. Story how I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day by Longfellow was written during the time of the American War Between the States.
View story »Published February 24, 2017

Another of Dr. Lockett's stories behind the hymns. The story of how Silent Night was originally written.
View story »Published February 24, 2017

Dr. Lockett has adapted the true story of the Christmas Truce of 1914 into a story that is easily understood by youths and adults. It is hard to stay enemies when you know the other side's story.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
One of Dr. Lockett's favorite songs, the story behind I Love You Truly by Carrie Jacobs.
View story »Published February 24, 2017
Another of Dr. Lockett's stories behind the hymns - I'll Fly Away by Albert Brumley
View story »Published February 23, 2017
Deer uses her brains to outsmart tiger and save herself and her young from being eaten.
View story »Published February 2, 2017
Adapted from story by anonymous source. Neighbors (sometimes two brothers) were once friends - but have disagreements that lead to them becoming enemies. The two once lived happily next to each other... but one digs ditch/creek/divide between their properties. The other responds by asking a carpenter to build a fence on his side of the property. The carpenter builds a bridge instead, which leads to the neighbors getting along.
View story »Published October 15, 2016
Parrot lives in the jungle among many friends. He sees a fire and could easily fly away. But, the parrot risks his life to save his friends and is rewarded with beautiful coloring on its feathers.
View story »Published September 27, 2016

Adapted from a Burmese Folktale by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. The story is about how people should deal with problems while them are small before they develop into bigger problems.
View story »Published September 27, 2016

American Folktale Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. Fiction story about how man got fire to use in his home and for cooking. Story tells facts about why animals fear fire and about how to care for fire.
View story »Published September 27, 2016

African Tale as Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. The Lion's Minister of State is missing. Animals suspect they know why when they see the lion gaining weight. Animals apply for the job and are given tests. One fails because of rudeness. Another is fearful. The last used his head and his ability to communicate to get the job.
View story »Published September 27, 2016
Traditional Indian Folktale as Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett. Weak animal overcomes powerful animal through cleverness. Lion hears his echo in the well and attacks his reflection and drowns. Folktale Motiff 1715.1
View story »Published September 27, 2016

Iranian Folktale as Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. Old woman meets a djinn (genie) on the way to meet her daughter. The djinn threatens to eat her but promises to come back to be eaten later after she sees her daughter and fattens up. The old woman hides inside a giant pumpkin on the way back and tries to sneak past the djinn. The story is sometimes told with a wolf instead of a djinn because of the fear that djinns bring to young children in Iran.
View story »Published September 27, 2016

Puerto Rican Folktale adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - An aging cat pretends to be dead. Foolish mice come to play on the dead body. Others come to be pallbearers and carry the dead cat away. The pretender comes to life and eats many of the foolish mice. Folktale Motif K827.4.1
View story »Published September 27, 2016
Appalachian tale as retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. One of many Jack Tales told in Grandfather Tales by Richard Chase. A foolish boy tries to do what he is told by his mother and messes up everything he tries. In the end, his foolish behavior makes the king's daughter laugh. He is rewarded by the king and marries the king's daughter. A Puerto Rican version of the story is called Juan Bobo - Foolish John.
View story »Published September 27, 2016

Appalachian tale retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. This story is about a boy named Jack who is sent to buy soap. He is told to repeat a phrase. He keeps being confused and says the wrong thing. Folktale Motif J2641.2.B
View story »Published September 27, 2016

Appalachian tale as retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Story follows pattern of the gingerbread man. A woman makes a pancake (called a journey cake by early American Pioneers). Various animals try to stop it. A pig (sometimes a fox) eats it in the end. Folktale Motif Z33.1
View story »Published August 15, 2016
Afro-American Folktale Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett - Goat avoids being eaten by lion by pretending to be brave.
View story »Published August 15, 2016
Little Evergreen tree is not happy with its needles. It wished for new leaves and is given them. Things go wrong with each kind of leaves until the tree realizes it was better to be its original self.
View story »Published August 15, 2016
Traditional of two brothers - the elder is rich, and the younger is poor. The younger brother obtains a magic mill that can grind out food, money or anything. The older brother is jealous of the new fortune of his brother and obtains the mill. The mill is taken on a ship where the captain grinds salt to sell. He forgets the command to make it stop grinding. In the story - the grinder sits now on the bottom of the ocean. That is why the sea is salt..
View story »Published June 1, 2016

Tiger is strong, but is not as skilled as his cousin the cat at hunting. Tiger asks for hunting lessons and promises to be Cat's protector. The smart cat does not teach all of his tricks to Tiger. Cats can climb trees. Tigers cannot. Storytelling Motif J1662.0.1
View story » View story in Chinese »Published February 24, 2016
Lovely story for children about how Chipmunk got its stripes by helping Grandfather Bear. Good for audience participation. Teachers can use the story to talk about being good helpers.
View story »Published February 24, 2016
Adapted from one of the Aesop's Fables. Dog does not want to share his bone. He sees his own reflection and aims to take a bone from another dog he sees. The other dog is his reflection, and his greed causes him to lose his own bone.
View story »Published January 15, 2016

Four animal friends work together to help each other escape being killed by a hunter. To the hunter - it seems like magic when animals help each other. The only magic is friendship.
View story »Published September 15, 2015

Rabbit seeks to become wise and demands the Sky God give him wisdom. Rabbit is given three seemingly impossible tasks to do to earn wisdom. Rabbit completes tasks and is given wisdom.
View story » View story in Chinese »Published January 15, 2015
Adapted from African Folktales by Grandpa Mike Lockett. Spider (Anansi) is hungry as it greets many animal friends - each fixing food. With each animal - the foods are not ready to eat. Spider ties a web to its leg and to the spoon of the preparer with directions to pull when the food is done. Each animal pulls at the same time - stretching the spider's legs - long and skinny.
View story »Published September 15, 2014
Panchatantra adapted by Grandpa Mike Lockett. King makes a pet of a wild monkey and refuses good advice to not let the monkey run loose in the palace. The King is injured by the monkey and begins to follow good advice by others, Sometimes - even the King does not know everything.
View story »Published August 15, 2014
Leopard wishes to eat lizard but is accused of picking on someone who is not his equal. Lizard is given time to prepare for the fight. The lizard cannot physically beat the leopard. So, it outsmarts Leopard. The story is a two-part tale where man observes the fight. Man is sworn to secrecy by Leopard but later tells his wife what happened. This folktale is Folktale Motif B264.3. - Leopard duels with lizard. It is from Sri Lanka, formerly called Ceylon.
View story »Published August 15, 2014
Bees save Elephant's life. Elephant repays bees by letting them live inside his head to save them from fire. After fire, bees refuse to come out of elephant's head. Elephant tries to suck up water and blow bees out its nose - causing its nose to grow long.
View story »Published August 15, 2014
Mouse claims to be stronger than elephant and sets off to prove it. Mouse meets different animals who run away due to different reasons. Mouse thinks they ran away out of fear. Mouse finds elephant. Elephant drinks up water and blows mouse across the jungle and leaves. Mouse thinks elephant ran away in a rainstorm. Mouse continues telling everyone that elephants are afraid of mice.
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Turkish Folktale gives advice of listening to Mother and Father is supported by story of the Hare family. Mother and Father say dig your home deep and build twists and turns to help you avoid danger. Little Hares that do not listen are eaten by the fox. Hares that listen are alive to appreciate the advice of their parents.
View story »Published August 1, 2014
Original story by Dr. Mike Lockett - Written in 2014 for students in Taichung, Taiwan for the city-wide dinosaur exhibit. Big dinosaur comes to live in a small lake. The big dinosaur does not leave much room for the small fish to live. A school of fish work together to beat the dinosaur in a race around the lake in order to get it to move to another lake.
View story »Published June 15, 2014

East Indian Folktale as adapted by Grandpa Mike Lockett - Turtle cannot quit talking. Turtle wants to travel far away and gets the chance to travel - carried by two birds. Turtle bites on a stick carried by the birds - then falls when he opens his mouth to talk. Storytelling Motif - A2312.1.3
View story »Published June 15, 2014
Bush Rat is told by Bat how to flavor soup by soaking in the hot water. Bush rat jumps into boiling water and dies. Rat's wife demands revenge, and animals hunt for bat. Bat only comes out at night and cannot be seen in the daytime. Storytelling Motif - A2491.1.0.1
View story »Published June 15, 2014
Goats go into Grandma's garden and child cannot get them out. Rabbit, Fox, Dog and other animals cannot get them out. Bee gets them out. Child is happy. Everyone wonders how little bee could do what bigger animals could not.
View story »Published June 15, 2014
Farmer catches a rabbit by accident and wants to learn to catch them on purpose. He learns to use bait and traps to provide food for the table.
View story »Published June 1, 2014
Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. Based on an American Folktale. Rabbit is a trickster - and when in danger - saves himself by outwitting his enemy the fox.
View story »Published January 15, 2014
A monkey is rude to a dragon fly and hurts it. The king of the dragon flies demands an apology. The monkey kind declares war on the dragon flies. The dragon flies out-smart the monkeys who end up beating each other up. Now they all get along.
View story »Published December 1, 2013

Two frogs wish to see the city where the other lives and climb the mountains to look at the other city. They help each other stand to look - but forget that their eyes are on the backs of their heads. So they see the city they came from instead of the city where they wanted to go. Storytelling Motif - B296.2
View story »Published September 15, 2013

White Hare (pet of a Japanese princess) fools sea crocodiles and has its hair pulled off as a punishment. A kind prince helps the Hare and is accepted to be the husband of the princess. Storytelling Motif - K579.2.2
View story »Published August 15, 2013
Typical of rich brother/poor brother plots, Poor brother becomes rich by interacting with Goblins. Rich brother repeats behaviors of younger brother and has plans backfire.
View story »Published January 15, 2013
Wolf wakes up hungry and tells COW/HORSE/PIG he will eat them. (Original tale had RAM. Dr. Lockett changed Ram to Cow for telling the story to Chinese and Spanish listeners where Ram is not used in their language.) Three animals fool wolf. Wolf is still hungry at end of story. Storytelling Motif K553.3.1 and K553.4.1
View story » View story in Chinese »Published September 15, 2012
Going Slow makes you faster. A man thinks a boy foolish when the boy tells him coconuts can be delivered today if you go slow or tomorrow if you hurry. The man finds that hurrying causes everything to go wrong - taking longer.
View story »Published September 1, 2012
Anansi owns the world's wisdom but does not feel appreciated when he shares the wisdom. He puts all the wisdom in a jar an plans to hide it from the world. Anansi's son offers his dad advice. Anansi throws the jar to the ground, breaking it. Wisdom blows all over the world.
View story »Published October 1, 2011
David was a shepherd. He takes good care of his sheep. His faith helps him be strong enough to kill wild animals who are after the sheep. He is called on to take food to his brothers who are fighting in a war. While at the war front, David sees a giant insulting God's people. David draws on his own faith to battle the giant and kill him.
View story »Published September 1, 2011
Lesson of The Good Samaritan as told by Mike Lockett. New child in neighborhood is harassed by other children because he is new and different. They show "prejudice." Dr. Lockett weaves the parable of the Good Samaritan into the story and lets it influence a child's actions towards the new child.
View story »Published July 1, 2011
Tiger enters forest and wants to eat frog, Frog uses brain to help fool the Tiger into thinking the Frog is stronger than the Tiger, Fox tells tiger that it has been tricked by the frog. Fox goes with tiger back to see frog. Frog thinks fast and thanks fox for bringing Tiger back. Tiger runs off.
View story »Published June 30, 2011
Bear is caught bragging how it can do anything. Chipmunk challenges bear and says it cannot stop the sun from coming up. The sun comes up, and bear is ridiculed. Bear is angry and scratches chipmunk's back that later turn to stripes. Storytelling Motif A2217.2 Credit for story given to three Native American tribes (Iroquois, Nez Perce and the Creek)
View story »Published June 30, 2011
Rabbit is always helping other animals, including bear. Then bear eats all of rabbit's food and goes to sleep in rabbits home - a hollow log. Other animals block bear into the log. It wakes up and always finds it is dark and goes back to sleep. When spring arrives the leaves and mud blocking the log wash away and bear wakes up. Bear feels so good that he hibernates every winter now. Dr. Margaret Read MacDonald lists the storytelling motif for the tale as 'A2481.1' Why Bears Hibernate. Animals stop up hollow tree to be rid of disliked bear. He sleeps all winter."
View story » View story in Chinese »Published June 15, 2011

Scottish Folk Tale that tells how Scottish Lord MacDonald asks a tailor to make his first par of trousers. The tailor is paid extra to sew the "trews" inside of a graveyard that is haunted by a Scottish ghost. Storytelling Motif H1412.2
View story »Published May 30, 2011
Tiger talks to Water Buffalo wanting to know why buffalo works for man. Buffalo tells Tiger Man has WISDOM. Wisdom lets man control animals. Tiger confronts man and demands man give hi wisdom. Man says he left his wisdom at home and will go get it. I will tie you to a tree so you do not eat my buffalo while I get wisdom. Man brings back hay and a torch. He sets the tree holding tiger on fire. Tiger escapes but is left with stripes where the burning ropes burned his fur.
View story »Published May 15, 2011
Man owns very loyal dog and leaves dog to care for his baby. Man comes home to find baby missing from its crib and sees blood on the mouth of the dog. Man kills dog in anger before finding his baby safe and alive - sitting next to a wolf that had been killed by his hound. Man never jumps to conclusions for rest of his life.
View story »Published December 1, 2010

As Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Prince sets out to find and marry a princess. Along the way he gets help from three individuals with special powers who help him overcome an evil Wizard to save the princess.
View story »Published December 1, 2010

Chinese Folktale adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett - Chinese Ogre called the Terrible Nung Guama threatens to eat an old woman. She defends herself with gifts from local farmers including pins and needles. manure, snakes and more to defeat the monster. Folk Motif K1161.3.2
View story »Published October 10, 2010

The story of Noah building the ark told in dialogue and odd humor by Mike Lockett
View story »Published September 15, 2010

Anansi the spider cheats dog out of land that both had planned to share. Anansi suggested the land would produce very little food. Dog turns down the chance to co-own the land. The land actually is good soil nd produces much food. Dog watched as man eats food and remembers getting cheated by spider.
View story »Published September 15, 2010
Girl is rescues from Siberian cold by the lonely moon after the girl is mistreated by her cruel stepmother. The girl is caught in the freezing Siberian cold after being sent to fetch water by her step-mom. Storytelling Motif A751.7.2
View story »Published September 15, 2010
A student is trying to understand the Ten Commandments. The student asks why the commandment about not telling a lie or not slandering people was as important as the other commandments. The teacher asked the student to dump a sack of feathers on his porch and come back to get the answer. When the student returns the teacher tells the student to go back and get all the feathers. The feathers could not be gathered since the wind would have blown them all over. The teacher says that a lie is like the feathers. When something bad is said - it spreads all over and cannot be taken back.
View story »Published August 15, 2010
Esther was a beautiful girl. She was brought to the palace to live at the time when the king had sent his wife away for disobeying him. Esther's uncle saves the king's life and is owed a favor by the king. Esther brings to the king's attention how evil men are trying to hurt her people. The Jews are allowed to protect themselves. The date of the event is still a Jewish holiday.
View story »Published August 15, 2010

Made up story about a boy who goes trick or treating. Mother gives him rules that he breaks. One is to not to walk through the cemetery. Something happens to scare the boy. Perfect for little ones because it ends in humor, not in fear.
View story »Published June 15, 2010
Tells why fish do not speak. They cannot hear underwater and can only move their mouths to imitate what they see and what they think is being said when others move their mouths/ Folktale Motif number A2422.14
View story »Published June 15, 2010

King wants to sample the best food in the world and the worst food in the world. His cook brings him TONGUE both times. Words that come out of the mouth can be the sweetest or the worst. - Storytelling Motif H1305.2.1
View story »Published June 15, 2010

As Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett from the Jakarta Tails. Dr. Lockett has adapted this story for use in talks about working together to get things done, Storytelling Motif is J1024 - Quails caught in net rise up in a body with net and escape
View story »Published June 15, 2010

Tiger sends one of his whiskers to the animals in Indonesia to let them know how big he is and create fear. Little Mousedeer asks porcupine for a long quill. Mousedeer sends quill to Tiger with word that the King of Borneo has a longer whisker than Tiger. Tiger does not come to the island of Borneo. Storytelling Motif - K1711.1
View story »Published June 15, 2010
A prince does not respect his father's opinion that old people are valuable. He does not like old people. During a hard time in the kingdom all old people are ordered banished from the kingdom to save food. One man disobeyed the law and hides his father. The wisdom of the father ends up saving the kingdom. Young ruler changes law and respects seniors because of their wisdom. Storytelling Motif J151.1
View story »Published June 15, 2010
A woman is a gifted baker. She makes wonderful cakes but refuses to share them. Tap, tap, tap - she bangs her spoon to chase away anyone wanting free cake. She is given three chances to share and fails. She is turned into a woodpecker. The ta,p tap, tap - now is her tapping on trees to get bugs to eat. This story fits storytelling motif A1958.0.1 where an unkind person is turned into an animal. Versions of the story are told in Scandinavia and in England
View story »Published May 15, 2010
Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett. Dog and cat used to be friends until they buy a ham together, and the cat climbs a tree and eats it all. Storytelling Motif - A2494.1.2.3
View story »Published February 20, 2010
Yiddish Folktale - Two men are good friends. One had faith that God has a purpose in everything and that God is good all of the time. There is no room for the two in town and they must sleep in the word. Their donkey is eaten by a lion. Their rooster is eaten by a wildcat. Their torch will not light, and they must sleep in the dark woods without a fire. These seem like bad things. But the man of faith explained God's purpose for each happening and shows God's love.
View story » View story in Chinese »Published January 15, 2010
Adapted from the Panchatantra by Grandpa Mike Lockett. Elephants change their route to the River to spare the lives of mice on the path. The mice promise to help the elephants some day. The elephants think they are too big to ever need help by the mice. When hunters catch the elephants, the mice save them.
View story »Published December 15, 2009
Boy is given special hat by his mother. He is offered gifts from friends, a kiss by a princess, the crown of the king all for his hat and refuses. Nothing could be better than the hat made with love by his mother.
View story »Published December 15, 2009
As Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller
View story »Published December 1, 2009
A Senegalese Folk Tale that tells how the floods of water push Sun and Moon into the sky.
View story »Published November 10, 2009
Native American Tale from the Hopi Tribe - The sky is lifting up and going high into the sky. Moose, Bear and other animals try unsuccessfully to hold the sky to the earth. Grandmother Spider wants to help the other animals and is turned down. On her own, she catches the sky with a web - then climbs up and down using webs to hold the sky to the earth. Sometimes when you see sunbeams, you might be seeing Grandmother Spider's webbing that still holds the sky to the earth.
View story » View story in Chinese » View story in Arabic » View story in French » View story in German » View story in Hindi » View story in Italian » View story in Japanese » View story in Portuguese » View story in Russian » View story in Spanish » View story in Turkish »Published September 15, 2009

As Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. A King gives all he has to his son. The wife of the son convinces husband to banish the kind to a space under the stairs where he cannot be seen or heard, The grandson of the king brings the grandfather's plight to be known to the new king. "How you treat your father is how you will be treated...
View story »Published September 15, 2009
Crocodile pretends to befriend monkey to eat its heart. Monkey pretends he left his heart at home. Crocodile returns monkey home and hears he has been fooled by monkey. Monkey tricks crocodile into opening its mouth and shutting its eyes and escapes again. Storytelling Motif - K607.2.3
View story »Published September 1, 2009

Aesop Fable as Retold by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Weasel catches bat, says he never releases a bird. Bat claims to be an animal. Second weasel catches bat... says he never releases an animal. Bat claims to be a bird. Folktale Motif B261.1.0.4
View story »Published August 15, 2009
Bee is told be a giant to taste every creature of earth to see who is the sweetest. Man tasted sweet. Bee is going to tell the giant. Man pulls out bee's tongue to keep the giant from finding out how sweet man is. Bee cannot talk. Bee can only buzz and bumble.
View story »Published July 25, 2009
Frog lives in a small well where all of its needs are met. It believes it lives in the greatest place possible. Other animals try to tell Frog that the world is bigger. But Frog does not believe them. Like humans - Frog can only see the world from its own personal experiences. A bird takes Frog out of its small world and widens Frog's viewpoint.
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Two rabbits are friends. The agree to help one another in all circumstances. Yet - when rabbits are faces by a bear - one runs away and leaves the other behind. Bear tells rabbit not trust the friend that ran away.
View story »Published June 15, 2009
Man saves snake by taking a rock off its back. The snake wants to bite the man. The man wants to ask other creatures about the fairness of getting bitten after saving the snake. Jackal pretend to be stupid and says it has to see how the man saved the snake to determine the issue of fairness. Snake lays down and lets man put the rock back on it. Jackal tells man to leave snake under the rock and thus saves man.
View story »Published March 10, 2009
Story of Joshua as a follower of Moses. It tells of how he spied in the land of Canaan for God's people and yet had to live 40 years in the wilderness because of the fear of other spies. He is chosen to replace Moses when Moses dies. He leads his people across the Jordon River and leads God's people to destroy Jericho.
View story »Published January 15, 2009

Hawk loves chicken and gives her a ring. Jealous rooster makes chicken throw the ring away. Hawk comes back and sees ring is missing and demands the return of the ring. The angry hawk became an enemy of all chickens until the ring is found. Every chicken still scratches the ground searching for the ring.
View story »Published January 10, 2009
Familiar plot of two brothers. The elder was rich. The younger was poor. The younger gets money magically with help of a raven who pays for eating fruits from a starfruit tree. Jealous older brother is greedy and loses life trying to get more money than his brother.
View story »Published September 15, 2008
Four Brahmin travel together. Three have gone to school to get their education. The other had no money to go to school but had common sense. The well-schooled men ridiculed their uneducated friend and tried to show off by bringing a lion back to life. One puts the bones together. The second puts back on the skin and restores the blood. The third breathes life into the lion. The common sense of the less educated man told him to climb a tree to safety. The educated men did not have common sense and were eaten by the lion. Sometimes common sense is more important than anything else.
View story »Published September 15, 2008
Tale ale of Faith, where Jewish man finds a treasure - but follows his faith and refuses to work on a holy day to dig it up. He loses the treasure and gets only one coin - a ruble. His wife invests the coin with a ship's captain who buys cats with the coin. The cats save the crew from a plague of rats and are sold for a treasure. The man who lost a treasure gets a bigger treasure from being faithful.
View story »Published September 5, 2008

Gideon is called on by an angel of God to fight an enemy of his people. He tests the man to see if he really was an angel. The angel passes the test. Gideon is told how to get the people to follow him. Gideon is told how to choose 300 men to fight the enemies. His army is small so God will get the credit for the win. Gideon becomes king after his victory.
View story »Published August 15, 2008
A good man in Taiwan is so kind that he will even save the lives of flies that fall into drink he is making. The man is falsely accused of a crime and sentenced to be executed. Flies will not allow the government official to sign the notice of execution. Officials investigate the crime that was charged and finds the charges to be false. The man's kindness had been repaid by the flies with kindness of their own.
View story »Published August 15, 2008

Adaptation of West Texas Folktale. Grandpa Mike Lockett uses the story to teach facts about the ecosystem and the food chain. Cricket is caught by frog who is caught by lizard who is caught by snake who is caught by... Recorded on DVD by Lockett in 2009
View story »Published August 15, 2008
Coyote likes Turtle's song but is angered when Turtle will not share the song. Coyote threatens Turtle. Turtle begs to not be thrown into the river, so Coyote throws Turtle in the river. Turtle is happy at end because it fooled Coyote.
View story »Published August 15, 2008
Audience participation story - call and response story that takes listeners on a walk though the woods, down a dark road, into a house, down the hall, up the stairs, into the closet... Then, BOO - the teller scares the listeners. Original Source is anonymous.
View story »Published June 15, 2008

Audience Participation Story as adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller
View story » View story in Chinese »Published June 15, 2008

As Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Poor, but hard working, Chinese man is caught napping by Monkeys. He remains motionless to see what happens. The monkey's think he is a statue and a drum. They decorate him with jewels. He escapes. He tells his story to a greedy man. The man lets himself be caught but gets thrown into a river by the monkeys.
View story »Published June 1, 2008
Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Story shares the origin of the color of the Brazilian Beetles. Beetle wins a race with rat and earns a green and gold coat - the color of the Brazilian flag. Folktale Motif A2411.3.3
View story »Published February 22, 2008
Aesop's Fable as Adapted by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Lion looks for a way to defeat Buffalo and eat it. Buffalo's strength is working together with other buffalos to protect each other. Lion uses false praise to make buffalo leave the protection of his friends. Then lion eats buffalo.
View story »Published February 15, 2008
*As recorded by Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Humorous children's song - first recorded by Rosalie Sorrels with added lyrics by Mike Anderson. I'm gonna tell that your suck your thumb. I'm gonna tell where you stuck your gum. I'm gonna tell about the cat and the glue. I'm gonna tell on you. GREAT SONG for Storytelling Programs.
View story »Published February 15, 2008

Aesop Fable as retold by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - A run away slave pulls a thorn out of a lion's foot. The lion later saves the slave's life.
View story »Published February 15, 2008
Adapted by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Ant and pigeon are neighbors - but are not friends because they are very different. Little Ant saves the life of Big Pigeon. The two realize that they can be friends even though they are different.
View story »Published February 15, 2008

Aesop Fable - as Retold by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Boy plays tricks on villagers calling for help, pretending a wolf was after the sheep. When the wolf arrived, the villagers do not believe the boy. No one believes a liar even when he is telling the truth.
View story »Published February 15, 2008

Aesop's Fable as Adapted by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller
View story »Published February 15, 2008
Aesop Fable as Retold by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. Dove saves the life of Ant and later has the favor returned. Folktale Motif B 362.2
View story »Published February 15, 2008

Aesop Fable as Retold by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Birds eat farmer's seeds. Stork is caught by farmer and claims innocence. Farmer kills story along with other birds. One is judged by the friends one keeps.
View story »Published February 15, 2008

Adapted by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Based on an Aesop's fable. Frog falls into a milk pail but refuses to give up and drown. His struggles churn the cream in the milk and turn the milk into butter.
View story »Published February 15, 2008

Adapted from Aesop's Fables by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Contest of wind and sun to see who can make traveler remove his coat the fastest. Sun uses warmth to cause traveler to remove coat. Violent blowing wind causes traveler to pull the coat tighter.
View story »Published February 15, 2008

Aesop Fable as Retold by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Frog tries to swell up as big as an ox and bursts. Folktale Motif J955.1
View story »Published February 15, 2008

Fable as Retold by Grandpa Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Panther is mistreated and takes revenge on those who hurt him by eating their animals. Panther does not harm those who befriended him.
View story »Published February 15, 2008
Aesop Fable - as Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Overconfident hare loses a race with slow but steady tortoise. Folktale Motif - K11.3
View story »Published February 15, 2008

As Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Wealthy master becomes from a magic bird. He becomes greedy and cheats his workers. Boy is clever and outsmarts master and makes things right. Boy ends up with magic bird.
View story »Published January 15, 2008
Greedy girl works at a bakery. Girl is tested by a fairy pretending to be an old woman. Girl refuses to change her bad ways and is turned into an owl.
View story »Published December 15, 2007
Adapted from Francois Coppee's French Folktale "The Wooden Shoes of Little Wolff" (a story written in the 1800's). The story tells how a young child is rewarded for his faith and kindness at Christmas time.
View story »Published December 15, 2007
True story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and his writing of the song I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.
View story »Published December 15, 2007
A Christmas Legend about a shepherd girl at the Nativity. The girl wishes to give a gift nut has none. Her tears water the Christmas Rose and help it to bloom.
View story »Published December 15, 2007
True story about a Christmas Truce that breaks out up and down the trenches during World War I.
View story »Published December 1, 2007

As told by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller, 2007 in his book The Basics of Storytelling (Taiwan). Based on historical story of Aaron the Great.
View story »Published December 1, 2007

Story of St. Francis of Assisi and the story of the Nativity as told by Mike Lockett
View story »Published December 1, 2007
Thoughts on Christmas Sweets by Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Mike Lockett explains the background information about Christmas candies.
View story »Published September 15, 2007
Jackal Is caught by alligator while hunting for shellfish. Jackal tricks alligator to get free. Alligator keeps trying to catch jackal. Jackal tricks alligator time after time until Alligator goes into Jackal's home. Then Jackal tricks alligator a final time and cooks alligator. Storytelling Motif - K7607.2.0.1
View story »Published September 15, 2007
True, documented, story about Nancy Mason who started The Baby Fold in Normal, IL. The Baby Fold is an agency that helps families with obtaining adoptions and in caring for orphans and children with extreme behavior problems.
View story »Published September 1, 2007
A true ghost story written by Vivian Carter, with added research and input from Dr. Mike Lockett. Angie Milner was the first librarian and the most memorable librarian at Illinois State University (then Illinois State Normal Teachers' College). Vivian researched and told this story as a part of a special grant with the Twin City Tale Spinners.
View story »Published August 15, 2007

True story about Dr. Lockett being hungry during his first tour or Taiwan and a humorous surprise he found when trying to chase down an ice cream truck.
View story »Published August 15, 2007
The creator makes the earth and sky. Creator puts food in the sky for people to eat. People can take small pieces. Dr. Lockett's adaptation lets him play with audiences to imagine how they made "sky food". The people take more than they need and waste the food and are warned not to do so. When they continue to waste food, the sky is lifted high above the earth. Storytelling Motif - A625.2.8
View story »Published August 15, 2007
Trees are asked for help by a little bird. All refuse except for the Evergreen Tree. The evergreen treats the bird with kindness and is rewarded by being able to keep its green leaves all winter.
View story »Published August 15, 2007
Adapted from fable about crying over spilled milk. Do not count your money before you get it.
View story »Published August 15, 2007
The usually clever fox tries to get a free meal by trading a bee for a rooster, the rooster for a pig and so on - until the fox finds a human mother who out-smarts the fox. This is a great story to act out with young listeners.
View story »Published August 1, 2007

Adaptation of ancient Scottish story a mystical elf-like creature called a Brownie. Story incorporates the legend and tells how working happily together makes the work easier and gets it done faster. Story is often told to accompany the song of Aiken Drum.
View story » View story in Chinese »Published July 5, 2007
True story about Joe Fifer from McLean County, Illinois. Tells about youth of Fifer and how he enlisted and served during the American Civil War or War Between the States. Included Fifer as Governor of Illinois and about his service as the Grand Old Man of the Republican Party.
View story »Published June 16, 2007

Monkey and Rabbit have bad habits. Monkey scratches. Rabbit twitches. They have a contest to see who can sit still and not use their bad habits. They tell each other stories and use their habits as gestures in their stories. Folk Tale Motif K263.1
View story » View story in Chinese »Published June 15, 2007

Little Pigs leave mother to built houses of their own. They build houses of Straw, Sticks and Bricks. Big Bad Wolf comes and blows down straw and stick houses. Wolf cannot blow down brick house, and pigs are saved. Folktale Motif number - K891.1.1
View story » View story in Chinese »Published June 15, 2007
Happy and contented ox helps pull a heavy load to help its master. Storytelling Motif B587.3
View story »Published June 15, 2007

A retelling of How Lizard Beat Deer in a race and got its beautiful coloring. Lizard bit deer on the tail and let deer do the racing. When deer reached the finish - lizard let go and got there first. Dr. Lockett tried to use Spanish during the telling.
View story »Published June 15, 2007

Fox tricks bear into using his tail in icy water to catch fish. The bear puts tail in water. Water freezes. Bear stands up fast as advised by fix and loses tail. Storytelling Motif - K1021
View story » View story in Chinese »Published June 15, 2007

Two goats live on two mountains connected by a single bridge. They both want to eat grass of the opposite mountain. They choose to fight about crossing the bridge instead of acting peacefully. They find that conflict causes them both to lose.
View story »Published January 15, 2007
A couple is given a magic moneybag with instructions to not take more than one coin per day. The bag always has one coin inside of it to replace the one that was taken out. The husband is impatient and takes all the money out at one time - causing all the money to disappear and the bag to remain empty. They lose all their magical gains and must go back to working hard to live.
View story »Published January 15, 2007
Poor brother is rewarded for good behavior to bird. Jealous rich brother is punished for bad behavior.
View story »Published October 10, 2006
Fallen angel tries to regain her place in heaven and is assigned by God to find the most important thing on earth. She finds a newborn baby, first love and much more. Only when she sees someone about to do something very wrong and changes his way was she on the right track. She takes God the tear of a repentant sinner.
View story »Published July 15, 2006

Starts with familiar plot where poor couple loses everything. Man sells milk cow. Instead of magic beans, he gets a magic pot. When cleaned and put on the fire, the pot runs out of the house to get what the family needs and makes things right for the couple.
View story »Published June 15, 2006
Story about giant ocean crab that tries to eat the moon. Island princess stops the crab.
View story »Published June 1, 2006
A retelling of the birth of Samuel and how he grows up in the church to become a servant of God.
View story »Published April 23, 2006
Factual and documented story of how Normal, Illinois became a town and later became a city. Story includes how Illinois State University came into existence as the first teachers' college in the state.
View story »Published February 18, 2006
The Pueblo people needed a good leader. Fox wanted to be that leader. Everyone thought the nearby lake played magical music. Fox discovered reeds with holes chewed by little creatures that the wind and water came through to make musical notes. Fox made flutes and used the music like it was magic to convince the people to follow him.
View story »Published September 15, 2005
Three bears step out of their house to let their porridge cool. Little girl named goldilocks enters house without permission and eats porridge, tests furniture and sleeps in beds all without permission...Bears come home, find house in disarray, find girl and chase girl away. Folktale Motif N 831.1.2
View story »Published September 15, 2005

A Grimm Tale Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. After a kind deed a poor girl is given a magic pot. The right words cause it to start making porridge and to quit making porridge. Mother knows how to start the pot, but not how to stop it. It creates river of porridge that floods the village. Storytelling Motif - C916.3
View story »Published September 15, 2005

Adapted from the Brothers' Grimm by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. Tale of how a straw, a coal and bean work together to escape being cooked. The straw and the coal have a mishap that makes the beans laugh until it splits its sides. Storytelling Motif - A2741.1
View story »Published August 15, 2005
A Bible story about a lesser known girl in the New Testament in the Bible. The girl is praying for Peter an the time God helped him escape from prison.
View story »Published August 15, 2005

Bible story of how a woman named Ruth becomes a good friend with a woman named Naomi. Ruth was married to Naomi's son. Both sons of Naomi and her husband died. Ruth's love of Naomi causes her to travel to Israel with her. Naomi's advice to Ruth to find and marry a man named Boaz. The two have a child. The child is in the lineage of Kind David and in the lineage of Christ.
View story »Published August 15, 2005
Dr. Lockett tells about the youth of Timothy and how Timothy became a friend of Paul to help share their faith in Christ.
View story »Published August 15, 2005
As Adapted by Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller (Appalachian Version of Brothers' Grimm story of the Brehmentown Musicians) Jack leaves home to find his fortune so he can get married. He finds helpers who want to come with him. Jack and the helpers find a house owned by Goblins. He and his helpers chase away the Goblins, so Jack can keep the Goblins' gold and marry to live happily ever after.
View story »Published August 15, 2005

A woman has car problems and has to stay in a strange hotel in a strange room in a strange town. She is told the room is haunted but stays there regardless. At midnight a creature appears. "Guess what I can do with my slimy green fingers and slimy green lips?" it asks. She runs out screaming. This repeats few times. The last time - the woman is tired and angry and asks, "WHAT?" The story ends with silly behavior and laughter.
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Performance Version of Story/Song - as adapted by Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Traditional American Story/Song - recorded by Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Cumulative audience participation song.
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Song from early 1900's, Origin unknown. Song incorporates Mother Goose characters into the Wedding of Jack and Jill.
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett from "Did you Feed My Cow?" by Margaret Taylor (Thomas Y Crowell, New York) published in A Second Storyteller's Choice by Eileen Colwell, 1967 - original source unknown. Dr. Mike Lockett (2005) altered the entire second half of the poem. In the original version, the cow dies and buzzards pick at the bones. Lockett prefers a less violent version with today's children.
View story »Published June 15, 2005
Audience Participation Activity written by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. - Based on pattern in The Button Factory learned from storyteller Michael Parent.
View story » View story in Chinese »Published June 15, 2005

As adapted by Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Call and Response Audience Participation Activity - Pretend adventure of a man who goes for a walk, sees a crocodile and runs back home.
View story »Published June 15, 2005

As Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Audience participation activity - with three main responses. Loved by children. Wonderful classroom activity for Thanksgiving
View story »Published June 15, 2005

As Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller, Uses two American idioms to tell a humorous story - Flying off the Handle - (acting impulsively) and Full of Bologna (saying things that cannot possibly be true_
View story » View story in Spanish »Published June 15, 2005
Balkan Tale - As Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Man and all animals were supposed to have an equal number of years to live. The animals give man part of their years to live - giving him 80 years in all to live.
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Anansi Story as adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Based on Folk Motif A1481.2.1 Anansi is looking for fun on the island and is stopped because of peoples' fear of the Snake. Anansi stops snake's evil ways and is rewarded by the sky god for his efforts. In this version - he is rewarded with wisdom. When Dr. Lockett tells the story, Anansi is rewarded with all the world's stories.
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Originally by Danish Storyteller Hans Christian Anderson, Adapted by Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller -Chinese Emperor hears of beautiful music sung by bird. Bird is brought to the palace to sing. Bird is caged and refuses to sing. Emperor is saddened and becomes ill. Bird sings and makes emperor well. Bird is given freedom.
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Little Red Hen wants help making bread. Her friends do not want to help plant, water, weed, harvest, make the bread... yet they all want to eat the bread. The hen eats the breat alone without sharing. Folk Tale Motif - W111.6
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Man buys heavy three-legged cooking pot for his wife. Pot is heavy. Foolish man leaves it to walk home by itself since it has three legs, and he has only two. Storytelling/Folktale Motif Number - J1881.1.3
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Based on a poem by John Godfrey Saxe . "The Blind Man and the Elephant was written in the 1800's and became famous. It is based on Indian and Chinese folktales
View story »Published June 15, 2005

Hare hears fruit fall from tree and thinks the sky is falling. Hare starts rumor that spreads from animal to animal and causes a stampede. Lion stops the stampede and investigates to prove the sky is NOT falling.- Storytelling Motif - Z43.3.1
View story »Published June 15, 2005
Storytelling Notes for The Hare that Ran Away
View story »Published June 15, 2005
Filipino Folktale As Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett. Seven friends take a day trip. They count each other to make certain all are present before returning home. Each time - the counter forgets to count himself/herself. So they believe someone is missing. Only when a stranger counts them everyone is found, and they can celebrate. Another version of the same plot can be found among tales of the Wise Men of Gotham.
View story » View story in Chinese »Published June 15, 2005

Grandma makes a pair of mittens for a young child. The child loses one mitten. A series of animals decide to make a home of the mitten until it bursts and throws them all out. The bow gets his mitten back. Dr. Lockett's adaptation allows teachers to teach color words, body parts (nose, ears, head) and more. Storytelling Motif - J2199.5
View story »Published June 15, 2005
Half chick treats everyone badly. It refuses to unclog the stream. It refused to help the dying fire or help the wind caught in branches. At Madrid, the half chick is caught and put into a pot to cook. Water and Fire refuse to help half chick, and it is burned and turns black. The wind carries half chick up to the top of a church steeple where it becomes a weather vane. Storytelling Motif B171.1.2
View story »Published June 1, 2005

Argentine Folk Tale Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller
View story »Published June 1, 2005
Short story about getting the horse's attention. An old joke about needing a 2 X 4 to get someone's attention before talking to them.
View story »Published April 15, 2005

Cumulative story from Philippines about why male mosquitos do not buzz or sting as retold by Dr. Mike Lockett. - Frog blames croak that keeps bird from sleeping on turtle who carries house on his back. Turtle carried house because afraid of firefly. Firefly afraid of mosquito and his sharp knife. Male mosquito is punished for threatening others and no longer buzzes and does not bite. Storytelling Motif - A2426.3.5.1
View story » View story in Chinese » View story in Spanish »Published April 15, 2005
Lion is tired of being King of Land and the Air and asks birds to select their own king. The birds hold a contest to see who can fly the highest. However, the agreed upon words are not who can FLY the highest, but who can GO the highest. Little Bird hides in falcon's wings. Falcon FLIES the highest and expects to become king of the birds. Then LITTLE BIRD flies up from falcon's back after falcon lands - proving Little Bird WENT the highest. Brains win out again.
View story » View story in Chinese »Published February 12, 2005

As Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller Fortune telling dream... Unhappy farmer is allowed to see an alternate future while sleeping on a magic pillow. He is happier when he regains his own future. Folktale Motif D1812.
View story »Published January 14, 2005

Two brothers in Israel loved each other very much. They were farmers and wanted to help each other. In the night, each carried grain in the cover of darkness to fill his brother's barn. On one moon-lit night they see each other and run to embrace in brotherly love.
where they met is where the Temple in Jerusalem was built.
View story »Published April 23, 2004
Anansi and his family have a good harvest. Anansi does not want to share his food with anyone including his family. His greed causes him to behave in ways embarrassing to his family. In humiliation he often takes the shape of a spider and hides in corners.
View story » View story in Chinese » View story in Arabic » View story in French » View story in German » View story in Hindi » View story in Italian » View story in Japanese » View story in Portuguese » View story in Russian » View story in Spanish » View story in Turkish »Published December 15, 2000
Babushka was an old Russian woman. While living on her country farm, she met the magi - three Asian Kings who were searching for the Christ Child. She had the chance to travel with them and did not go right away. She missed the chance to see the child and followed in the path of the magi later. The legend tells how she still searches for the child today.
View story »Published December 15, 2000

Mexican girl brings a flower to the Christmas Eve service and lays it on the alter. The flower opens and blooms before the congregation and is considered to be holy.
View story »Published December 15, 2000

A French legend about how a robin fanned embers with its wings to kindle a fire to keep Mary and the baby Jesus warm.
View story »Published December 15, 2000
The church organ was broken at the Church of St. Nicholas in Obendorf, Austria in 1818. Father Joseph Mohr wrote a poem about the first Christmas night that was set to music by a teacher, Franz Gruber.
View story »Published December 15, 2000

Legend of how the Greek Bishop Nicholas gave gold coins to help three maidens get a dowry so they could get married. It is believed by many that this is how the idea of hanging Christmas stockings started.
View story »Published December 15, 2000
Short story/Joke about how people can falsely think others are dumb since they do not have a formal education. The story recognizes the importance of common sense and things that can be learned out of school.
View story »Published December 15, 2000

Short story/joke from anonymous source about a chicken at the library. Dr. Lockett uses his animal invitations to make chicken and frog sounds that fit the story. The girl in the story likes to check out books to read to her animals. When hurt, she sends the chicken to get books. Later, she sends her frog to say she had already read a book.
View story »Published December 15, 2000
Short story from anonymous source about a child seeing a falling star. The child wants to know where it landed. The teller can make up a version that ends with the star falling in a local orchard. To prove the story - the teller cuts an apple in half from top to bottom and shows a star. If done properly, one can see a star in every apple.
View story »Published December 15, 2000

Little boy is so dirty he is accused of being the brother of a pig. Adapted from How to Tell Stories to Children by Sara Cone Bryant, The Pig Brother, Houghton Mifflin, 1905. (Originally in "The Golden Window" by Laura E. Richards, 1903, Little, Brown and Co.)
View story »Published December 15, 2000
White roses are complimented by the sun and become embarrassed and turn pink. Literary story by Sarah Cone Bryant.
View story »Published December 15, 2000
Three sons inherit 17 oxen. They go to a judge for help dividing them using a formula their father created. Good story for Math Teachers who are teaching problem solving. Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett. Storytelling Motif - J1249.5 (One son is to inherit 1/2, the second 1/3, the last 1/9)
View story »Published December 15, 2000
A man goes to the market to buy shoes and forgets his measurements at home. He is foolish and does not think to ask the shoemaker to take new measurements of his feet. Useful for math teachers when teaching problem solving - about looking for multiple ways to solve problems. (A Taoist Tale from China)
View story »Published December 15, 2000

Man finds boy on beach. Boy is throwing starfish into the ocean. When asked why, the boy says he is saving their lives, one at a time.
View story »Published December 1, 2000

Essay by Mike Lockett telling the history of sending Christmas Cards
View story »Published September 15, 2000
Lesser known, but undocumented, story of George Washington and an example of good leadership.
View story »Published September 15, 2000
Two stories of how the song Taps began. One is a long told story that was not backed by research. The other had ben supported by documentation.
View story »Published September 15, 2000
Story of Major James Donaldson's quest to acquire mules for the invasion of the south by the north as part of the Tennessee River Plan.
View story »Published September 15, 2000
Historical story about an event in the youth of Abraham Lincoln. The event was a character building event where Lincoln took responsibility for a borrowed book that had been ruined by accident.
View story »Published September 15, 2000
True Story about Ulysses S. Grant, Union General in the American Civil War. Documented story of Grant's youth, events that led him to become a Civil War General and about his life as President of the United States.
View story »Published September 1, 2000
Adapted from a Flemish folktale by Dr. Mike Lockett Tells how the creator took colors from the rainbow to give colors to the birds. All the birds pushed and shoved to get the colors they wanted. The finch politely waited to get its color - and all the colors were used up. All the birds gave small parts of their colors to the finch - making it multi-colored.
View story »Published April 1, 2000

More about Easter by Dr. Mike Lockett. An essay on the history of Easter and Easter customs.
View story »Published September 1, 1993
Many people recognize the name Anansi and associate it with the continent of Africa. Many folktales are told about this popular character. For those who don't know him, Anansi is favorite hero, especially in the country of Ghana. Anansi is sometimes perceived as a man. Other times, he appears in the shape of a spider. Whatever his shape, all Anansi stories describe Anansi as greedy and lazy - but also terribly clever. The problem with Anansi is that his cleverness sometimes backfires and causes him problems. This story tells why his bottom is bigger than his head. Storytelling Motif - A2320.1.2
View story »Published June 15, 1992
Cumulative Story from England based on a Mother-Goose Poem. Cat bites off mouse's tail. Cat will not give back tail until mouse gets milk from cow. Cow says no milk until mouse gets hay from the farmer. Mouse has adventure going to cow, farmer, butcher and baker before getting tail back from Cat.
View story »Published October 1, 1975
A King is cruel and over taxes everyone. In a test, the king offers the hand in marriage of a beautiful maiden to see if anyone has a single coin to pay for her. A young man desires the maiden and robs the dead to get a coin. The king becomes ashamed that his harsh ways have caused someone to resort to robbing the dead and changes his ways.
View story »Published September 15, 1975
Poor farmer gives a single goose to a wealthy neighbor and demonstrates how to divide it equally among six family members and is rewarded, The story includes a poor man receiving money and a jealous wealthy man losing money. Story is wonderful for math teachers when teaching division. Storytelling Motif 601
View story »Published September 15, 1973

As Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Old woman makes a man (boy) out of gingerbread and puts it in the oven. The man comes to life then runs away to keep from being eaten. It escapes the man and the woman, men threshing wheat by the fields, the big black horse, the big black cow then gets eaten by the sly fox.
View story »Published September 15, 1973

Short story telling how to teach a mule to listen to directions. (In the real world mules are highly intelligent and easily trainable. ) In this story the trainer hits the mule to get its attention before giving directions.
View story »Published September 15, 1973

Short story/joke poking fun of two men who cannot tell their hordes apart even though they are different colors and one is a boy and the other is a girl.
View story »Published September 1, 1973
As Adapted by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - Why Cat's Wash After They Eat - Dr. Lockett tells the story as a participation story - Folktale Motif A2545.2 North Carolina in the USA,
View story » View story in Spanish »Published September 1, 1973

North wind blows away flour from poor boy and his mother. Boy travels to find wind and asks it to make things right. Wind gives magic cloth that when spread gives food. Inn keeper steals cloth. Wind gives goat that coughs up money. Inn keeper steals goat. Wind gives magic stick. Inn keeper tries to steak stick and gets beaten until boy is given everything back. Storytelling Motif 861.1
View story »Published September 1, 1973

Little elves help make shoes for a shoemaker so the man and his wife can make enough money to make a living. The couple stays up late and seed the elves. The wife makes clothes for the elves who disappear after getting the clothes. But the man and woman live happily/ Originally Written by Hans Christian Anderson. Adapted and Retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller.
View story »Published September 1, 1973
A corny joke or story using idioms - flying off the handle - which often means doing things without thinking them through clearly and full of bologna - which means saying things you think are true that are really wrong (not knowing what you are talking about).
View story »Published September 1, 1973
A Boy lives with his grandma in a room that has a squeaky door. The door squeaks, the boy screams, and grandma cannot sleep. Grandma cannot sleep and gets mad (angry). Grandma gives the boy animals to sleep with - one a night. Still the door squeaks, the boy screams, and the animals make noises. There are variations to the end. This story ends in the house collapsing. Grandma's friends help her repair the house. Grandma makes sure the door does not squeak any more.
View story »Published August 29, 1973

Appalachian Tale as retold by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller - The Gunny Wolf is an American Folktale handed down through the generations in the Appalachians. The actual origin is unknown. It was made popular by American librarian/folklorist Wilhemina Harper in her 1967 re-telling as "The Gunniwolf." A Little Girl disobeys her mother and enters the woods. She is forced by a Gunny Wolf to sing for him. She escapes and never goes into the woods again. Folktale Motif G555.1.4
View story » View story in Chinese »Published June 15, 1973

Quest to find three people as silly (stupid) as his fiancé. Folktale Motif number H312.1
View story »Published June 15, 1973

Adapted from the Brothers Grimm by Dr. Mike Lockett, The Normal Storyteller. Self-Centered Princess loses her golden ball. She makes promises to a frog to get her ball back and does not want to honor the promises which include eating off her plate, sleeping in her bed and the frog being kissed by the princess. The princess is forced by her father to keep her promises. The enchanted frog is turned back into a prince. They marry and live happily ever after.
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