Horse Sense

Not too long ago there were two fools who went horseback riding together. But, they had a problem. They could not tell the two horses apart.
They went to the blacksmith. He knew all about horses. The blacksmith said, "Just look at the horses. There is something different about them. Look really closely. You can easily tell them apart."
"I know," said the first fool. One horse has a longer tail than the other. From now on, that will be my horse." They were very happy and could tell their animals apart until...
One day his friend's horse caught its tail in the gate. He had to cut the end of tail off. Now the tails were the same length. They could not tell them apart. They went to the blacksmith again. He knew all about horses.
The blacksmith said, "Just look at the horses. There is something different about them. Look really closely. You can easily tell them apart."
"I know," said the first fool. One horse has a tiny nick in its ear. From now on, that will be my horse." They were very happy and could tell their animals apart until...
One day his friend's horse was eating grass very close to the fence and got a nick in its ear from the fence. Now the ears looked just alike. They could not tell them apart. They went to the blacksmith again. He knew all about horses.
The blacksmith said, "Just look at the horses. There is something different about them. Look really closely. You can easily tell them apart."
"I know," said both fools together. Let's measure the horses. They discovered that the white horse was two inches taller than the black horse. From that day on, they had no trouble telling their horses apart.
The blacksmith just laughed. But he never told the two fools that the white horse was a boy, and the black horse was a girl.