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The Apple Star

Published December 15, 2000
Countries: USA
Age Levels: 5-6 and up

Not too long ago a young boy, Tommy, went to stay with his grandparents for the weekend.  Grandma and Grandpa lived in an old two-story house on a farm.  Tommy played with the farm animals.  He fished in the stream.  He helped Grandma in the house and Grandpa in the barn.  It was almost time for bed as the Tommy sat on the large front porch with his Grandparents.

Grandma sat with his arm around Grandma on the porch swing.  Tommy lay in his back on the front porch looking at the stars.  As he lay there in the cool of the night, a bright flame lit up the dark night sky.  A meteor fell to earth, burning up as it fell from the heavens.  "That's a falling star," said Grandpa. 

"I want to see it, Grandpa," said Tommy.  I know it landed in the orchard.  But, Grandma said no.  It was too late.  Tommy was liable to trip and hurt himself.  You can go in the morning.  Grandma was full of excuses.  There was no way that Grandpa would let him try to find the star that night.

 Grandma tucked Tommy into bed . She kissed him good night, turned out the lights and closed the bedroom door.  Grandma did not know that when Tommy heard Grandma go down the stairs. Tommy got out of bed.  He walked to the window.  Then he looked out at the orchard.  He had to see the falling star.  Tommy opened the window and climbed out on the porch.  He climbed down the drainpipe outside of his room and dropped to the ground.  Then he ran straight to the orchard.  Tommy looked and looked but could not find the star.  He fell and skinned a knee.  Tommy began to become afraid of the night sounds around him.

About that time, Grandpa came in to check on Tommy and say goodnight.   He saw the empty bed and the open window and knew where Tommy had gone. Grandpa got Grandma, and both went into the orchard, calling Tommy's name.  In just a few minutes they found Tommy limping along with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Grandma.  I'm sorry, Grandpa. "I had to see it.  I had to see the star, but I could not find it.  I am sorry for going out without permission."

"I know where it landed," said Grandma.  I will show you the star in the morning.  But, no more running around at night!"

The next morning the three walked to the orchard again.  When they got there, Grandma had Grandpa pick an apple from one of the trees.    "The star fell right here," said Grandma.

"Don't kid me, Grandma," said Tommy.  That is when Grandma took a knife out of her apron.  She sliced the apple into two even pieces half way from the top to the bottom.  She held both halves of the sliced apple up.  Tommy could see a large star in the center of both pieces.


Note for parents and teachers?  Cut an apple in half horizontally (half-way from top to bottom) to practice before doing this in the classroom or in the kitchen.  Do it right, and the students will "eat the story up."