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I'll Fly Away

Published February 24, 2017
Countries: USA
Age Levels: 12 and up

ABC – 1929 - Albert Brumley picking cotton in Rock Island, OK –  Albert Brumley heard the words coming from over the walls of the nearby prison – "If I had the wings of an angel over these wings I’d fly." Later that day – while thinking about what he’d heard – he wrote the lyrics to a song. Like many of his other songs – he put the paper with the song into a drawer in his bedroom. Later – Brumley married – Like a lot of men – he had a good woman behind him – promoting his success. While cleaning drawers, his wife found that paper and a number of other songs he had written and encouraged him to publish them

The song was published in 1932 – 3 years after Brumley had written it. Sung in nearly every Christian church – one of the most recorded songs of all time… He went on to publish more than 600 songs in his lifetime including Turn Your Radio On and I’ll Fly Away.

I'll Fly Away

Some glad morning when this life is o'er, I'll fly away

To a home on God's celestial shore, I'll fly away.

I'll fly away, O Glory, I'll fly away.

When I die, Hallelujah, bye and bye, I'll fly away.


When the shadows of this life have flown, I'll fly away

Like a bird over prison bars has flown, I'll fly away

I'll fly away, O Glory, I'll fly away.

When I die, Hallelujah, bye and bye, I'll fly away. 

Just a few more weary days and then, I'll fly away.

To a land where joy shall never end, I'll fly away.

I'll fly away, O Glory, I'll fly away.

When I die, Hallelujah, bye and bye, I'll fly away.