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Best-Loved Stories Told at the National Storytelling Festival

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Best Loved Stories - From the National Storytelling Network
Among the stories in this collection you will find:
- The Walkin' Catfish by Doc McConnell
- The Hole That Will Not Stay Filled (Civil War Ghost Story) by Katheryn Windham
- Orange Cheeks by Jay O'Callahan
- Wicked John and the Devil by Jackie Torrence
- A Fisherman and His Wife by Carol Birch
- The First Motorcycle in Black Mountain by David Holt
- The princess and the Dove by Mary Hamilton
- Flowers and Freckle Cream by Elizabeth Ellis
- Willie the Bug Man by Susan Klein
- The Wise Shoemaker of Studena by Syd Lieberman
- 27 other fantastic stories by award winning tellers