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The Goats in the Garden
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The Goats in the Garden – ISBN 978-0981303-5-9
Published by Santa Publishing in Taiwan with help from Heritage Schoolhouse Press in the USA. January 2019. Retail Price $9.95. Adapted from a Norwegian folktale. What would you do if you were a child in charge of watching grandma’s goats and they went into grandma’s garden to eat everything? Grandma will be angry. Help arrives in the form of a rabbit, a fox, a dog a bear and … Who will be able to get the goats out of grandma’s garden? This book is in trade paperback and was printed with non-toxic ink. The book is in English, It includes an audio CD of Dr. Lockett performing the tale. Taiwanese on-line animator, Ann Lo, added to the beauty of the story with his cartoon style images.